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What is Vativis Virtual Care and how does it work?
What medical conditions can be treated through Vativis Virtual Care?
Who are the healthcare providers at Vativis Virtual Care?
Do I need to have insurance to use Vativis Virtual Care?
Can I get prescriptions through Vativis Virtual Care?
Can I request refills for prescriptions through Vativis Virtual Care?
How can I access Vativis Virtual Care?
Can family members also use Vativis Virtual Care?
Is Vativis Virtual Care available in all states?
Can I use Vativis Virtual Care for emergency medical situations?
How long does it take to receive care through Vativis Virtual Care?
Are there any age restrictions for using Vativis Virtual Care?
Can I use Vativis Virtual Care if I am pregnant?
Are there any additional fees associated with using Vativis Virtual Care?
How can I provide feedback or report a complaint about my experience with Vativis Virtual Care?
Can I use Vativis Virtual Care for ongoing chronic conditions?
Can I request a virtual visit for a specific medical condition not listed?